Trackside Rules


2023 Trackside Rules

  • Glass containers and weapons of all types are not allowed on the track premises. SNMP personnel have the right to search all vehicles entering the track and will confiscate all items deemed illegal or dangerous.
  • Vehicles parked in trackside spots may be no wider than 10 feet and no longer than 25 feet.
  • Only one vehicle is allowed in each trackside parking spot. The track-issued parking pass must be displayed and visible while the vehicle is inside the trackside area.
  • Back-to-back parking is not permitted.
  • Vehicles may not park on the access road or along the fence in turns 3 or 4. Vehicles parked illegally will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Parking in an unassigned trackside spot is strictly forbidden. If you find a vehicle parked in your assigned spot, please report it immediately to SNMP management for resolution.
  • Unoccupied seasonal trackside spots may be rented for an individual event if the seasonal MEMBER has not arrived 30 minutes after the start of the first race. Please call ahead if you expect to arrive late to ensure your spot will be held open.
  • Beer, Wine, and Wine Coolers in non-glass containers are the only alcoholic beverages allowed on the track premises. SNMP has no responsibility toward those persons who drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Contained fires for cooking are permitted. Charcoal Grills are once again permitted but must be emptied into the designated dump sites.  Cooking must be behind the vehicle, NOT between the fence and the vehicle.
  • Fans may display signs promoting their favorite drivers. Otherwise, advertising is strictly forbidden.
  • Buying or selling of any product on the SNMP property is forbidden unless approved by SNMP management.
  • As a courtesy to the racers, please do not turn on headlights or parking lights during the event.
  • TRACK Phone Number 919-284-1114 **** Listen on FM 99.7 ***

Thank you for your cooperation and support.